39 years later 1976 - 2015 Time for a 3d-model of the "Face of Mars"
39 years later                             1976 - 2015    Time for a 3d-model of the "Face of Mars" 

Determination of intrinsic metric in the images

By now there are many fotos

available taken of the mesa from diverse directions.

Many features can be identi- fied on several fotos. If the distance between two features is known, it will be  possible to prove the resolution and to reveal distortions. The distan- ces must be determined with a foto which was taken from the zenith and which has the highest resolution. It is a basis for a calibration od other fotos.

Framing points as reference for leveling features

Surounding points lying nearly on the same level shall define a plane of reference.

On two selected fotos the same 18 features can be iden- tified. It is assumed that they have the same level on the surface. The first foto has been taken from zenith and has a resolution of only 30 cm per pixel, whereby the distan- ces between the 18 frame points are known. In the second foto distortions can be determined with it and be taken into account for further calculations.

Meshing: Construction of 3D-models

A point cloud is conntected to a net of triangles and the foto is projected onto its surcface.

By measuring the shift of a feature in a foto taken from a perspective view it is possible to deduce its height. Beside (x,y)-coordinates in the plane  this way features get a height z. Thus each feature gets 3d-coordinates (x,y,z) in space and form a point cloud. The points are connected to net of triangles, onto which the foto is projected.


We are pleased to welcome you on our homepage. Be informed on our online presence about research and results regarding the famous mountain on Mars in Cydonia Mensae Region. As an oronym we continue to use the term 'Face of Mars', although the mesa only looked on the first fotos taken from it like face lying half in shadow. Therfore this picture is not a good exsample for pareidolia, the appearance of a face is obvious. This does not hold for newer fotos, there is no longer the appearance of a face. Only people who mean to identify a face on new fotos labour under pareidolia. But the mesa has more properties, which are not usual for naturally formed mountains.

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